FIT are key collaborators on a number of exciting projects that are bringing digital skills to a broader and more inclusive audience. Whether you’re taking your first steps to getting online or building on tech talent for the future of work, explore the range of projects below.
FIT Ukrainian Training and Employment Services Hub
FIT is utilising its unique resources, expertise & experience to aid those displaced by the war in Ukraine successfully integrate into Irish society and workforce.
The launch of the Circular Economy Skills Initiative has opened up new and exciting careers for all who are interested in sustainability, waste reduction and overall environment wellbeing by prolonging the life cycle of white good products in Ireland.
An exciting opportunity to embark on a training course that will help to minimise waste and extend the life of products in Ireland, providing a greener future for all.
Designed to increase female participation as ICT specialists in the Irish tech sector, ‘Women Choose Tech’ was set up by FIT in 2021 to attain 33% female participation in tech apprenticeships by 2022, one positive step to help contribute to an improved gender balance in the ICT specialist workforce.
The ‘Choose Tech’ programme, supported by Salesforce, seeks to engage young people (15-20yr olds) into the exciting world of tech at an earlier stage. The programme aims to inspire young people to learn new and develop existing skills and to provide support & information around the pathways available to a tech career including pre-tech & tech apprenticeships.
#Futures is FIT’s highly successful skills initiative that targets the digital employability of disadvantaged youth. The clear objective of the programmes is to ensure that young people with a life-time of potential are engaged, encouraged and guided towards the employment opportunities in our growing economy.
Almost one in six Irish adults has never used the internet. Getting Citizens Online Programme is focused on encouraging and empowering citizens to participate fully in Ireland’s digital economy and society.
HELP is a media supported English language training programme and associated resources for healthcare professionals for whom English is not a first language.
Would you like your IT skills and qualifications recognised with an Open Badge? Open Badges recognise formal and informal education and experience, and are completely free.
The Youth Employ project is to develop a structured Internship Programme to aid the professionalisation of skilled and unemployed young people with the aim of securing employment, whilst reducing the administration and organisational burden on the employer.