What we do
Our mission is to promote an inclusive Smart Economy ensuring access to in-demand tech skills for quality employment and shared prosperity. In doing so, we are maximising opportunity through technology and making technology work for all.
Upskilling Job Seekers
Job seekers (and those who are vulnerable in the workforce) securing quality employment through tech skills development is central to FIT’s remit. The programmes it develops and promotes are a direct result of a constant dialogue with employers with regard to fulfilling their skills needs and employment opportunities – ensuring job seekers attain in-demand tech skills that lead to quality employment and a sustainable career in the most dynamic sectors of the Irish economy.
With the focus on future potential FIT courses which are accessible and are achievable by those not only who have recently completed formal education and training but also by those who have been in the workforce for some time gaining valuable experience – what both candidates have in common is a curiosity and interest in technology and determination to succeed.
The programmes impart the attainment of valued tech skills and professional development combined with career guidance and job placement supports.
Increasing Access to In-demand Technology Training
Participants on the completion of FIT Tech Programmes enter the workplace in high demand where employers prize their technical skills and acumen as valued assets as a result of the calibre of training received.
FIT strives to encourage and include as broad a cohort of job seekers in its extensive portfolio of tech courses which cater for introductory to expert tech skills. ETB’s as delivery partners provide the training nationally supported by FIT.
Industry collaboration on aspects of the curriculum development, work experience / internships and placements combined with expertise of the FIT Board of Directors, as industry leaders have been a key factor in the success of the FIT programmes resulting in high placement rates into industry.
To ensure the excellence in certification attainment FIT ensures all its programmes adhere to the rigors of the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) and works closely with Quality Qualifications Ireland (QQI) in the development and maintenance of ICT Awards Standards.
Promoting Smart People with Smart Skills
FIT equips participants with the necessary technical competencies and people skills when entering the job market. To this end FIT actively support all aspects of participation – such as developing the course content, recruiting and shortlisting candidates, providing career progression and job placement supports, culminating in ongoing mentoring for up to three years.
FIT is continually developing new training programmes and updating existing ones as emerging technologies such as mobile technologies, cloud computing, data analytics, blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT) etc. redefine roles and shape new disciplines. The collaboration of Solas and ETB’s in piloting innovative programmes enables these new technologies enter mainstream delivery in a timely fashion.
Similar to participants, Training Providers recognise the currency and relevance of FIT developed technology programmes in terms of links with industry, accreditation, progression supports and successful job placement.
Training for Employment (Commencing Careers)
All FIT Training for Employment Programmes are focused on the securement of quality employment not only for job seekers and new entrants into the labour force but also for those vulnerable in the workforce requiring upskilling/reskilling for job security.
FIT Training for Employment Programmes cover a wide range of topics, all with a technology focus. FIT courses range from introductory digital programmes QQI Level 4 modules to more technically advanced QQI Level 5 and 6 specific IT skills Programmes which may also be industry certified (CompTIA, Microsoft, CCNA, SAP). Courses are delivered in conjunction with participating ETB’s and contracted training providers. All programmes are closely reviewed by FIT to ensure that the needs of all involved in the programme are met.
FIT Training & Employment Officers are at hand to actively assist FIT participants not only through the duration of their course but until such time that employment has been secured and a desired career path established.
Putting Policy in Action
FIT recognises that engaging and encouraging participation from every aspect of Irish society is essential in creating a functioning inclusive Smart Economy. FIT strategies are complementary to and in support of various national policies in the areas of National development, social policies, skills development and enterprise.
FIT actions reflect several of the priorities of the “A Strategy for growth: Medium-Term Economic Strategy 2012 – 2020” and “The National Skills Strategy 2025”, “Technology Skills 2022 – The Third ICT Action Plan”, “FET Strategy 2020-2024”, “Digital Europe Programme 2021-2027“.
In the context of the Europe 2020 the Human Capital Priority, FIT addresses key issues articulated such as to “up-skilling the workforce through promoting access to appropriate training and lifelong learning; expanding the workforce through the activation of groups such as the unemployed, people with disabilities, lone parents, travellers, ex-offenders, women and older people as well as the implementation of an appropriate skills based migration policy.