Inclusive Learning & Careers: A Cuimsiú Programme Webinar

We are delighted to announce an upcoming candidate webinar, as part of the Cuimsiú programme.

The webinar will take place online on the 25th of February from 10am-11am. This webinar is for anyone interested in taking part in the Cuimsiú programme as a participant, or for individuals who wish to share information about the programme.

Cuismiú (Kwim-Shoo) means inclusion. The Cuimsiú programme is a new initiative to support neurodivergent and disabled tech enthusiasts on a path to tech employment that works for them. We also work with employers to support them in their own efforts to create inclusive workplaces.

The programme is funded by Pobal under the Inclusive Pathways to Employment programme and is co-funded by the Government of Ireland, through the Department of Social Protection, and the European Union.

This webinar will provide an overview of the Cuimsiú Programme:

  • What is the Cuimsiú Programme
  • Who is it for?
  • What we do
  • Eligibility Requirements
  • How to apply

You can register for this webinar here

If you have any questions about this webinar, or the Cuimsiú programme please contact Nicole on


About FIT

FIT is an industry-led initiative which works to promote an inclusive Smart Economy by creating a fast track to marketable technical skills for those at risk of long term unemployment.

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