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FIT Tech Apprentice Ambassador QUESTIONNAIRE

iDea and FIT Ambassador badge

Download the ‘Certify your Skills’ leaflet and complete the ‘FIT Digital Pathways’ badge before proceeding.


Complete this online questionnaire, which requires evidence of completing the FIT Digtial Pathways.


You will be notified by email with details on how to receive your digital crediential from the Credly platform.

Set up

If this is your first time receiving a digital credential you’ll need to set up an account. Details will be included in the email.


Once you ‘accept your badge’ you can save your settings. You can then select the ‘share’ button to share your success on social media.



Pre-Tech Apprenticeships (PTA's)

Pre-Tech Apprenticeships aim to prepare and encourage more people to take the Tech Apprenticeship route to gain a career in IT by__________________ tech roles.(Required)
Participants can determine if an apprenticeship programme is for them and which stream is their preferred option; Software Development, Computer Networking Associate or ________ Security.(Required)
PTA’s provide introductory knowledge and skills about the FIT Tech Apprenticeship streams and can enhance your prospects of __________ a position on a Tech Apprenticeship programme.(Required)
Duration:______ weeks(Required)
Candidates must be over _________ years to apply for a PTA.(Required)

Tech Apprenticeship (TA)

The ICT Associate Apprenticeship is the New National Tech _______________ Programme.(Required)
This National Apprenticeship programme adopts a learning-by-__________ format of ICT skills development.(Required)
This gives new meaning to the concept of ‘____________ education’.(Required)
Tech Apprenticeships responds to_________________ demands.(Required)
Successful completion of the TA programme apprentices attain a National Framework of Qualifications QQI Level _____(Required)

Career Paths- Tech Apprenticeships

1) _____________ Networking Associate Apprenticeship.(Required)
They design, install, manage, maintain & support ______ communications within an organisation or between organisations.(Required)
2) ____________ Development Apprenticeship(Required)
They design, develop & apply software solutions to support enterprise activity which may involve the building and testing of high quality _______ across front-end, logic and database layers.(Required)
Modules Include: Software Design & fundamentals, Systems _________ and design, Object orientated Programming, Event driven programming solutions, Procedural programming, Web development and website software, Cloud development practices, Software applications testing, and Procedural programming.(Required)
3)_________________ Security Apprenticeship.(Required)
They protect systems from Cyber security risks, threats and _________.(Required)
Modules include: CompTIA-Fundamentals, _________ & Security, Cybersecurity Analyst, Penetration tester and GDPR.(Required)

Common Modules in the 3 career paths include:

1. Personal and ______________ Development(Required)
2. Project ____________(Required)
3. Effective _____________ in Business.(Required)

Candidates must be ________ years or older.(Required)
Candidates must complete a _____________ Certificate (or equivalent) with pass grades in at least five Ordinary level subjects (including Maths and English).(Required)
Candidates with a Leaving Cert applied can apply . They must have a _______________ in at least five subjects (including Maths and English).(Required)
Candidates who have successfully completed other __________ education award(s) that are nationally recognised may also apply.(Required)
FIT warmly welcome applications from all genders, and from candidates who may have a _______________.(Required)
Tech Apprentices acquire in-depth knowledge and understanding of the latest technologies supporting ________________.(Required)
Tech Apprentices gain hands-on technical experience in a real working ____________ ensuring application of learning and increased productivity.(Required)
Tech Apprentices develop business and interpersonal skills such as __________, customer-facing skills and project management.(Required)
Tech Apprenticeships Lay the foundations for an exciting future tech career and allow you to _______________ .(Required)
Off-the-job training costs are entirely ___________ funded. FIT manages all aspects of the programme and co-ordinates employer input.(Required)
The Tech Apprenticeship programme is carried out over a ______ year period.(Required)
Tech apprenticeships are a combination of off-the-job skills training with ____________ application of these skills with a sponsor company.(Required)
There is no _________ for applying as we recruit all year round.(Required)
All of the off-the-job learning takes place in ________________________________ nationwide.(Required)

How to apply

Go to the website __________________(Required)
Successful applicants will attend a scheduled information session followed by an interview with FIT, participate in CV and interview preparation workshop and then attend an __________ with a company.(Required)

'FIT Digital Pathway' evidence

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