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Youthreach Navan General Learning Level 3 & 4

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Course Code:
QQI - Level 3/4

Course Aim

Youthreach is a full-time training and education programme for early school leavers aged between 15 and 20 years. It offers a flexible and dynamic programme of integrated general education, vocational training and work experience.

The main objectives of  Youthreach are:

  • Personal, social and educational development.
  • Promoting independence, personal autonomy and a pattern of lifelong learning.
  • Integration into further education and training opportunities.
  • Promoting active citizenship and social inclusion.

The aim of this programme is to enable the learner to develop the relevant knowledge, skill and competence to use a range of skills and tools, under direction and with limited autonomy, related to seeking employment or in employment. It enables the learner develop personal qualities and strengths to make informed choices to pursue a range of employment opportunities or to progress to further education or training.


Youthreach is a second chance education and training programme for young people aged between 16 and 20 years who have left school with few or no qualifications.

It seeks to provide learners with knowledge and skills to help them to reach their full potential and enable them to progress to further education, training and employment.

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