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Youthreach Kells Employability Skills Level 3

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Course Code:
QQI - Level 3

Course Aim

This programme leads to a Level 3 QQI Certificate in Employability Skills. The purpose of this programme is to provide the learners with the skills, understanding and personal and interpersonal skills deemed necessary to assist individuals to gain employment and be successful in their chosen career options. The programme provides a broad preparation for working life and aims to equip learners to deal effectively with the demands of society and the world of work.

Course Content
Application Of Number
Art And Design
Communications L3
Computer Literacy
Personal Effectiveness
Functional Mathematics
Culinary Operations
Work Experience


Education: Learners do not need any previous formal qualifications
Aptitude: Learners who are ready to take on new tasks, can follow direction and are moving towards independent learning.
Previous Experience: No previous experience required. Learners who wish to progress to employment or further education and training through the attainment of a QQI level 3 major award.

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