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Cork College of FET Douglas Street Campus Networks and Cyber Security

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Course Code:
QQI - Level 5

Course Aim

This course covers contemporary areas of Computer Networking and Information Security. Networking trains the student in all aspects of networks from Ethernet to Internet Protocol through to the configuration of Cisco network routers.

Information Security involves the securing of desktop computers and Networks from cyber attack, using current best practice to install and configure firewalls, Intrusion Detections Systems and anti malware software. The course also covers auditing and forensics.

Course Content
Operating systems
Virtualisation Support
Computer Systems Hardware
Networking Essentials
Programming and Design Principles
Web Authoring
Fundamentals of OO Programming
Maths for IT
Work Experience


  • Leaving Certificate (LC Established, LCVP or LCA) or equivalent.
  • For mature applicants appropriate experience will be considered in lieu of formal qualifications.

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