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Youthreach Monaghan General Learning

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Course Code:
QQI - L3/4/5

Course Aim

Youthreach is a full-time training and education programme for early school leavers aged between 15 and 20 years. It offers a flexible and dynamic programme of integrated general education, vocational training and work experience.

The main objectives of  Youthreach are:

  • Personal, social and educational development.
  • Promoting independence, personal autonomy and a pattern of lifelong learning.
  • Integration into further education and training opportunities.
  • Promoting active citizenship and social inclusion.


  • No formal education or qualifications are required although applicants may have participated in primary and secondary education. Applicants will be expected to demonstrate a standard of knowledge, skill and competence equivalent to NFQ Level 2 when accessing a Level 3 programme.
  • The PLC Access Programme is available to learners who have previously attended Youthreach, or achieved the Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA).

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