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Cathal Brugha FET Computer Network & Cybersecurity

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Course Code:
QQI - Level 5

Course Aim

Course Content

Networking Essentials
Computer Systems Hardware
Operating Systems
Programming and Design Principles (Python)
Maths for IT
Virtualisation Support
ICT Security Policy & Management
Personal & Professional Development



Surveys have shown serious and increasing shortages of Networking personnel in all developed countries, including Ireland. This course ensures excellent job opportunities in the ICT (Information & Communications Technology) industry. Employment opportunities exist in Computer Networking, Cyber Security, Computer Maintenance, Electronics & ICT Support. Students may progress to participating Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s) through the QQI Higher Education Links Scheme. Progression to Computing degrees in DCU, TU, NCI etc . Click on course code 5M0536 to see progression routes. Always check college Entry Requirements. Some Third level colleges require Leaving Cert maths-e.g. TCD, UCD


Any student over 16 years seeking entry to this programme does not need a previous formal qualification. Should the student have previous qualifications, one of the following may be advantageous for admission to the programme:

Leaving Certificate/LCA
QQI Level 4 Award
Mature students welcome
If English is not your first language you may be asked to complete an English assessment
Students who may not have formal academic requirements but who have the ability to successfully participate on the course will be considered. (RPL Recognition of Prior Learning)
Students should note that some of the practical work on this course requires some physical effort. Consequently, students with any back problems or other injuries or conditions should discuss this matter with the course coordinator at enrolment.

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